Sunday, July 12, 2009

President Obama's Meeting With Russian Leaders

President Obama commented last week that Vladmir Putin, Prime Minister of Russia, should come up to date with views about relations with the US, as the Cold War is history and everyone should be looking forward. Vladmir Putin is a force to be reckoned with and will only oblige to President Obama's measures to an extent.

During his reign as President of Russia, Vladmir Putin, signed a major nuclear deal with Iran in 2005 and financed their Beshehr nuclear plant. Moreover, the UK's Guardian World News reported that Iran received a new anti-aircraft missiles system from Russia in 2007, which is deadly enough to strike down American and Israeli fighter jets if these opponents should come against Iran's nuclear plants. Fostering military and economic relations with China is priority as well. Russia and China plan to have joint military exercises this summer.

Russia currently has pending nuclear deals with Egypt, Syria and India.

Putin has made strong indications that he will return as President of Russia in 2012. Sources have published that he, not current President Medechev, is controlling Russia right now.

It seems that we need to keep our eye on Putin, because he is going to reciprocate only so much. Looks like he is preparing for war?! See the below news articles--very interesting.

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