Sunday, July 12, 2009

World Events Unveiling Bible Prophecy--Updated

Aggressive moves towards a New World Order, the Human surveillance microchip (VeriChip), and the potential signing of the Middle East peace agreement authenticating Bible Prophecy.

Henry Kissinger, former advisor under Richard Nixon's and Gerald Ford's Administrations recently told MSNBC that President Barak Obama was the key agent in birthing the New World Order. The FDA approved VeriChip in 2004 that is now being used to erode privacy under the mask of protection and safety is still under fire. But the "powers that be" are waiting for the right time to introduce VeriChip on an international stage--through fear and in the name of "safety."

In the UK, cameras will soon be installed in private citizens' homes. Great Britain is spying on its citizens more than any nation on earth. The Middle East is restricting Internet use. President Obama plans to overturn the US Internet Privacy Ban. Not too many days from now, there will be restricted Internet use—worldwide!

And soon, Homeland Security and the National Guard. . .then NATO will walk the streets instead of your local Police Department. Biological Warfare (laboratory-created pathogens ) is being used to control the world's population growth. The right to bear arms and freedom of press and speech will soon be overthrown.

Welcome to the New World Order!

Continuing, the signing of the Middle East peace agreement, according to the Bible, will mark a seven year period of inconceivable, unparalleled hard times.

Heaven, help us!

Where is the New World Order in the Bible? Revelation 13:7-8 and Daniel 7:23-24. Where is the "mark of the beast?" Revelation 13:16-18, called VeriChip and was approved by the FDA in 2004.

Where is the Middle East peace agreement that is currently being negotiated? Daniel 9:27. According to this Biblical text, the Israel-Arab peace agreement will be sanctioned for 7 years. And it's inauguration will mark the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation Period. Equally important, the identity of the prophesied Anti-Christ (Political Leader of the New World Order/One World Government) will be revealed with the signing of this peace agreement, as he is the only World Leader Biblically appointed to accomplish this.

We must keep up with the news and closely monitor President Obama's steps towards peace in the Middle East. President Obama has given Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 2 years to comply to a 2-States Solution. Right now, Netanyahu is stringently opposed to the US demanding the freeze of settlement and construction in East Jerusalem—ancient Judea and Samaria (the West Bank).

President Obama is handling the potential peace agreement in a diplomatic, political manner. However, Prime Minister Netanyahu is approaching this issue based on the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and Hamas' hatred for the Jews. Notwithstanding the 2-States Solution is going to work—eventually because the Bible says it will in Joel 3:2, “I (the Lord) will gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat (Armageddon region), and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.”

Israel is a major focus in the news right now and is hated of many nations. Where is it in the Bible? Zechariah 12:1-4, Zechariah 14:1-5.

Ezekiel Chapters 38 foretells Russia as the leading country in Armageddon with Iran (Persia) as a major ally, as well as Ethiopia Lybia, and Egypt—Africa as a major ally. Daniel 11:40 confirms this prophecy.

Would you say that it is just a coincidence that former Russian President and current Prime Minister, Vladmir Putin, signed a major nuclear deal with Iran in 2005, which included the financing of Iran's Belshehr Nuclear Plant that opened this past April? The nuclear "friends" will hold joint navel exercises soon. What about Putin's signed nuclear deal with Egypt in 2008? Not to mention current Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed nuclear deal with Nigeria in March of this year, along with his potential military, economic, and trade deals with three other African countries.

Revelation 9:16 and Daniel 11:44 prophesied China and an Asian militia joining Russia in it's 2nd offense during WWIII/Armageddon. Russia and China held joint military exercises in July in defense against “terrorism” under the Shanghai Cooperation Organization established in 2001. The SCO is comprised of former Soviet Union Asian countries, with Russia and China as the pillar nations. Moreover, China and Russia signed a Treaty for Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation in July 2001 centering on military, economic and political harmony.

And Russia currently has signed nuclear deals with India and Syria. Hence, Russia's nuclear exploits corroborate Bible Prophecy.

Is it a coincidence that the Bible impeccably foretold all of these events that are transpiring right now? If you can not deny these issues are real and will affect your life, then you absolutely can not deny that the Holy Bible is real and trustworthy.

And one last thing, when many of us get past President Obama being the first Black president, and take a more in-depth look, reading between the lines, then we will truly be able to “see” and accept the fact that he is a pivotal ingredient in the coming New World Order—which is nothing less than the execution of a Police Society—worldwide.

When Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown bestow endearing accolades upon you, everybody better watch out!

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